We took time out and worshiped together at Spring Arbor on Sunday. Brother Guy Weathers from Indian Creek Baptist Church in Mineral Wells took the pulpit and delivered a great message for both the families of the community as well as the Builders. That evening, we had an outdoor fellowship in the parking lot with food, games, a movie inside and lots of conversation outside.
We got back to work on Monday and completed the interior and exterior walls along with preparing for hanging of the trusses. Again, the rain came in the afternoon and forced us to shut down earlier than planned. Yet, we got the work done that He wanted us to do that day.
Today, we are setting the roof trusses and will begin to hang plywood decking on the roof plus other materials in preparation for enclosing the building.
Vacation Bible School started on Monday at Spring Arbor and their attendance has been awesome with a total of 48 children and 27 workers so far. Both local families as well as Builders families have participated in VBS this year so it is expected to be one of the biggest VBS events in Spring Arbor history.

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