We have completed our work for the week and have been richly blessed. We saw many miracles on this trip including a salvation decision on Friday by one of our team members from Missouri! Praise God for Jeremiah...he is now another child of the King. We got to baptize him Friday night during our dedication service in the new Baptism Pool that was installed the day before. God's timing is always the best.
Keep coming back to get updated pictures & comments. We plan to post more as they become available.
We want to thank all of the folks from Spring Arbor Baptist Church who put us up in their homes, cooked for us, prayed for us or came to one of our meals and worship services. We want to thank the people in the surrounding communities who brought us food, water and other provisions. Your outpouring of love was greatly appreciated and will be remembered by all of us.
We are all part of the Family of God and it is this desire to build relationships with other believers and non-believers, to come together to love and pray for each other, that brings us back each year...and oh yes, to build a building that will serve the community in which it stands.
A second team will be coming the week of June 24th to this location to continue the construction of the building. Please pray for their safety and their labor for Him during this time.
Please send us a comment if you would like to receive information about Builders For Christ. We have several teams located across the USA that serve in different areas of the country each year.
Thank you Jesus for allowing us to be a small part of your Great Commission.

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